This seemed to be an ill-fated show, having been originally scheduled for October last year. With the break-up of co-headliner Break Even and the closure of the original...
Seasons in Wreckage, a five-piece melodic hardcore/metalcore band from the UK, recently released a new EP titled Perspectives through Dream Atlantic Records on November...
Worthwhile is a five piece pop punk/melodic hardcore band from Bay Area, California. Their previous releases, Miracle Me (2009) and Not Fixed But Found EP (2010), were...
With so many bands in the metalcore genre attempting to make a name for themselves, things begin to sound the same and you grow jaded to the various aspects...
It’s hard to say what exactly the hardest part of living really is. Some people will tell you that finding true love is the single toughest aspect of life, where some...
Earlier on in the year, I stumbled across a melodic hardcore/punk band from Pennsylvania called Cavities. Their debut EP, 64 Years, really impressed me and I gave it a...
Lasting Traces is a band that has been at the forefront of European melodic hardcore for a while now, especially since the release of their debut full length Old Hearts...
It’s been a while since I’ve written a review it seems. I’ve missed showcasing upcoming bands and known bands talents and sharing them with the readers...
One Last Time, a five piece metalcore band with origins in Scranton, Pennsylvania, return with their second EP “Message to the World”. To start off, I will...
10. Stick to Your Guns – Diamond This is such an inspiring album that had great lyrics and I felt it was a large improvement from The Hope Division. So many good...