Split EPs used to be one of my least favourite things in the world of music. I used to always think to myself, “Why not just a write a four-six track EP by...
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In my spare time, I always like to try to find new bands. I have several different ways of finding new music, whether it be through friends, YouTube, or Bandcamp. My...
10. Make Do and Mend – Everything You Ever Loved Make Do and Mend previously delivered one of my favourite albums ever with End Measured Mile, so it was kind of...
The Agonist has always been one of my favorite “death metal” bands for a couple of reasons. Reason number one, Alissa White-Gluz. Not only is she very, VERY...
When you first start getting into music, finding bands that change your entire outlook on life is easy. You’ve never heard anybody before, so every album that speaks to...