When I listened to Stickup Kid’s The Sincerest Form Of Flattery about a year ago, I wasn’t really impressed. It is by no means a bad album, but it just...
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Handsome Foxes. Don’t let the name fool you because they aren’t your average local band. Founded in Raleigh and consisting of members from Raleigh’s...
The year is close to reaching its halfway point and 2012 has been a good year for death metal thus far. Cannibal Corpse, Aborted, Goatwhore, Six Feet Under, Job for a...
P.L.F. are one of the most notorious bands within the U.S. grindcore scene. From their beginnings in 1999, P.L.F. was first called Pretty Little Flower before finally...
Stop. Right now. Take a deep breath and exhale; now, listen. Chances are, you hear the world around you, continuing on just as it had been – just as it will continue to...