After releasing an incredible debut EP (Seaborne) in 2010 that showed a lot of potential, Apostate is set to release their second EP entitled Λ ♦ Λ ♦ Ø on August 3rd. Λ...
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If you’ve ever dabbled in deathcore then you have most likely run into the powerhouse of the genre from Salt Lake City, Utah that is Chelsea Grin. With their first...
Citizen is a young and upcoming alternative punk band from Southeast Michigan and Northwest Ohio. I have been a fan of them ever since I discovered their EP entitled...
Rotten Sound is a grindcore/death metal outfit residing in Vaasa, Finland. The band has a steady catalog of releases behind them, and has come forth with a brand new EP...
Whether you like melodic hardcore or not, it’s hard to argue the fact that it’s one of (if not) the most passionate genres of music. Bands like Defeater...