The Merciless Concept is a deathcore band from Long Island, New York, that recently released an EP titled Armageddon. They play a style of deathcore that is similar to...
Category - Music
Becoming The Archetype is a Christian progressive metalcore/death metal that has been around for quite a long time. To be exact, they formed in 1999. As you could...
Not every band with more than one release really has a “career”. Sure, every member in the band might be doing it for their full-time job (and it definitely beats a good...
Stop. Right now. Take a deep breath and exhale; now, listen. Chances are, you hear the world around you, continuing on just as it had been – just as it will continue to...
As Silence Breaks, formed in 2005, is a melodic metalcore band from Sydney, Australia. The third album from this five-piece is entitled The Architecture Of Truth and is...