Your Demise – The Golden Age (2012)

the2bgolden2bage-5304246 Your Demise’s fourth full-length album, The Golden Age, was released on March, 26th, 2012. Perhaps the term “The Golden Age” is actually referring to their Ignorance Never Dies (or even The Kids We Used to Be) days, and not the day of the newest album. The Golden Age starts off great. The title track is one of the strongest and most hardcore songs on the album, by far. The clean vocals (whoa’s) are few and far between and executed perfectly. The use of “whoa” reminds me of another recent release, Diamond by Stick to Your Guns. Please don’t get your hopes up though, because The Golden Age is no where near as good as Diamond. You soon find that out as the 2nd track starts to play. It’s the polar opposite of the opener. When These Lights was first released by the band, many fans were disappointed and it’s clear why. Dominated by poor clean vocals, These Lights sounds like a song that you would hear on your local radio station. The next two track are titled “Born A Snake” and “Push Me Under”. Similar to the title track, these two are more hardcore oriented. However, The Golden Age quickly takes another turn for the worse. The fifth track, Paper Trails, is another very weak “poppy” song which features guest vocals from Dannika Webber (Evarose). Thankfully, Forget About Me quickly restores some hope for this album. While the clean vocals are not great on this track, they are catchy enough to be utilized during the chorus. The rest of the song is solid and the best part is the guest vocal segment of David Wood (Down to Nothing & Terror). Speaking of guest vocals, I’m (Not) the One features guest vocals from the front-man of letlive., Jason Butler. But yet again, The Golden Age takes a nosedive where it should be taking a stage dive. Never a Dull Moment is another very poppy-sounding song. At this point, I was starting to get sick of hearing these pop songs and it made me feel like listening to The Golden Age was a job and not something that I wanted to do. After Never a Dull Moment is the track titled “The Colour of Envy”. This is a decent song, but the chorus seems really out of place. The tenth track, A Decade Drifting, is the fourth track to feature guest vocals, but this time from Josh Franceschi (You Me At Six). Like Several of the songs on The Golden Age, the chorus on this track seems out of place too. That being said, A Decade Drifting is an okay song. The final track on The Golden Age, Worthless, was the last straw for me. It started off really well, but as soon as the chorus came in, that’s when I knew for sure that I was going to be disappointed with this track too. I really don’t know what else to say about this album. I had fairly high expectations for it, but to me, it was a total flop. The vocals sounded worse than they were on The Kids We Used to Be (I enjoyed them on that release), the clean vocals seemed forced, and the song structure seemed very simple. I’m not sure what made them take this direction, but I have a feeling that many fans are going to be very disappointed. Another thing to note, the album artwork looks like it was drawn by an eight-year old. oneandhalf-1746754
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By Steven Pongrac ~ Me Gusta Reviews