War From A Harlots Mouth – Voyeur (2012)

warfromaharlotsmouth-4271345 Those specific bands that no matter what they do with their sound they will always stand out from every other band remotely close to their base genre; those are the bands I really enjoy. Today’s band is from across the globe but their sound is having a huge impact on listeners all the way over here in North America. If a band can accomplish something like that, then you know they’ve definitely got something that should tickle your fancy. Hailing all the way from Germany is technical death metal act, War From A Harlots Mouth. War From A Harlots Mouth is definitely not the typical technical death metal band and there’s several reasons for that. You’d know what I’m talking about if you’ve been listening to them since their debut back in 2006, but if you don’t, here are those reasons. The five members of War From A Harlots Mouth don’t just stick to the generic technical death metal sound but rather add all kinds of interesting riffs and elements that set them apart from 99.9% of the other bands out there. I’m talking about the jazz influences in their earlier albums and their mix of incredibly spastic and almost “death” sounding vocals that make current and previous vocalists Nico Webers and Stefen Gewohnt sound almost like they’re dying during each song.

I’ve been a fan of War From A Harlots Mouth for a few years now and I’ve always admired their ability to stand out from every other band out there but sadly I’ve had trouble over the years keeping myself attached to their music. I love spastic and technical sounding music but there’s something about War From A Harlots Mouth that always kind of bored me just a little. I was hoping that with their newest release entitled Voyeur, set to release in the US on November 6th, that things would be different. Sadly my fears were only proven to be true as I spun the album for the first time a week ago. They’ve kept their incredibly technical and heavy sound as well as the spastic and odd elements throughout the entire album but it just lacks that certain element that keeps you coming back for more.

I had read a few reviews of people on Last.fm and throughout the internet and a lot of them had said the same thing about Voyeur and I was really hoping they were wrong but sadly they’re not. Overall it’s a really nice piece of work but it’s just not the type of album you could spin repeatedly and not get bored of. Even the addition of the clean vocals near the end of the album was a nice touch, but War From A Harlots Mouth just haven’t grasped that certain niche that will allow listeners to give their albums constant and repeated listens without having to force it. All in all, I was fond of the heavy and spastic nature of the album but it’s not one that I will find myself listening to over and over again the future.


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By Unknown ~ Me Gusta Reviews