Treated – Where Life Takes Us (2012)

Melodic hardcore/metalcore from Austria. There’s something that you don’t hear too often, but that’s exactly what Treated is. Treated is a five-piece band that formed in 2009 that is set to release the debut full-length album entitled Where Life Takes Us. You’ll know a little bit more about Where Life Takes Us on August 22nd. The album opener, “Chances & Choices”, gives you a glimpse of what to expect. Melody. That’s not all the album has to offer, though. There are a fair amount of breakdowns to mosh to, a few ambient passages, and the vocals throughout the album are incredible. The screams could be likened to those of Hand Of Mercy but not quite as low. There are also a few tracks that feature clean vocals. One of which pulls it off extremely well, while the others fail to do so. The cleans on “Speak For Yourself” sound great and with the addition of a spectacular guitar lead, it’s one of my favourite tracks. The cleans heard on “The Privilege To Live” and “Grand Line”, on the other hand, don’t sound quite as good. They aren’t near as catchy and they seem a little bit out of place, which is a shame because the rest of those tracks are very impressive.

Back to the positives (this album has quite a few of those to offer), the guitar riffs and melodies and drumming are absolutely spectacular. Tracks like “Speak For Yourself”, “Breather”, “A Size 9 Where The Sun Don’t Shine”, “Moving Continents”, and “One Four One” display the aforementioned qualities exceptionally well and I would recommend that you check one or two of those out if you want to get a feel for this band prior to indulging in the 50-minute long Where Life Takes Us.

Another thing that I loved about this album was the final track. The title track totally caught me off guard, but in a good way. “Where Life Takes Us” is a five-minute long acoustic track that ends the album perfectly and it’s another one of my favourite tracks on the album.

Where Life Takes Us is an absolutely incredible debut release from this Austrian five-piece band. I was expecting big things upon hearing their demo-which featured “Breather” and an intro track-and first single, “Where We Stand”, and my expectations were exceeded.

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By Steven Pongrac ~ Me Gusta Reviews