Trash Talk – 119 (2012)

Trash Talk is considered to be one of the leaders of the American hardcore genre. The band is known for it’s vicious live performances; it’s grindcore length, hardcore epics, and their blistering sound. 119 has kept up with their past releases and it has shown the band still packs the same punch that their older releases do. Although I didn’t feel this album tapped new ground for the band, it definitely showcased all the elements the band is known for and it was an enjoyable listen from start to finish!

119 contains 14 tracks in all, each one offers a listening experience that keeps the listener actively involved from start to finish. There is no filler on this album, each song states it’s purpose with a bang and each song keeps the listener waiting for the next song. Notable songs from this album include “Eat the Cycle,” “F.E.B.N.,” “Uncivil Disobedience,”  and “Bad Habits.” Notice the spacing of these songs. This is no clump of greatness to start the album (followed by uninteresting material to close). This album retains it’s momentum until the very end, something to be admired by any listener!

Overall, this was a good album. I can’t pinpoint anything drastically wrong with this album, nor can I pinpoint anything that was absolute mind blowing. I will say this, if you are a fan of Trash Talk, than this album will not disappoint! I would suggest starting with their first releases, but 119 would not be a terrible place to start. As I mentioned above, Trash Talk are one of the leaders of today’s American hardcore scene. One can be sure that future releases by this band will continue to turn heads, so I hope you jump on the Trash Talk bandwagon as soon as possible!


Links: Facebook – Official Website – Purchase

By Anonymous ~ Me Gusta Reviews