Three Crowns – MMXII EP (2012)

threecrowns-9085143 I feel like a privileged individual because I live in an area with a rapidly expanding core scene. That area is southern Ontario. There are several bands (notably Counterparts and Structures) that have been rising in the ranks lately, and I think that Three Crowns may be one of the next “big” bands from this area in a year’s time.

Hailing from Kitchener, Ontario, this five piece metalcore/melodic hardcore band strives to bring the heavy and some melody. They have been together for about a year, but it sounds like they already have their sound nailed to a tee. Thankfully, it’s a very good sound that’s even a little fresh. The EP, MMXII, is only nine minutes long so there is not much of an opportunity to hear all that this band possesses except a whole lot of potential.

MMXII starts off with a bang on the track titled “Once My Own” which features a guest vocal spot from Karl Schuback of Misery Signals. The melody in this song is my favourite part of Three Crowns thus far. The end of the song is just monstrous, but very melodic at the same time.

The riffs and leads heard throughout the EP sound like a combination of Counterparts and With Life In Mind, two of my favourite bands in this genre. The second track, “Barricade”, and the final track, “Golden”, are also packed full of these spectacular leads. Another point to note, while the vocalist doesn’t display an enormous amount of range, he manages to not sound mundane. Perhaps that’s because MMXII is under ten minutes long, or maybe because he does indeed have very good screaming techniques.

Like many fans and and curious listeners that listened to this EP, I am eagerly awaiting to hear what Three Crowns can come up with next. I’m hoping that it’s a short wait, though, because the material on MMXII is incredible and I don’t want to wait an extended period of time.

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By Steven Pongrac ~ Me Gusta Reviews