The Used – Vulnerable (2012)

61g5rfpguol-_sl500_aa300_-5732387 The Used has always been a decent band to me, never spectacular or anything groundbreaking, but a very decent band to listen to when in the right mood. That being said, their newest album, Vulnerable, is no different. For the most part, they stick to their normal post-hardcore style with a few tweaks here and there, but it is unmistakably The Used.The first few tracks on the album give a good feeling of what to expect in the album, but they’re also the most different tracks on the album as they have some odd electronic parts in them. Personally, I could have done without these parts, but I have a feeling that there will be people out there that will love them because they are different and mix up the sound.The Used basically sticks to their angsty lyrics, but also seem to have a bit more hope shining through in them than some of their previous outings. The music is standard The Used here, and besides those electronic parts I mentioned, they don’t deviate from their sound much, which isn’t a bad thing at all.I really enjoyed this album. If you’re a fan of The Used, you should definitely check out this album. However, if you’re not a fan, then this album probably won’t do much to sway you. threeandhalf-3449456
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By Cody Hath ~ Me Gusta Reviews