10. Cannibal Corpse – Torture For years after I got into heavier music, I gave Cannibal Corpse a wide berth. Seems kind of blasphemous, doesn’t it? At the...
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Our City Skyline is a metalcore band from Boise, Idaho. With that being said, throughout their new EP titled “Bankrupt”, you can expect to hear many...
Lower Than Atlantis first burst onto the scene with the release of their Bretton EP about a year after they had formed. Bretton had a very hardcore/southern metalcore...
They’re back. Who, might you ask? Your Demise, the veterans of hardcore/punk from St. Albans, UK. After releasing two of my favourite albums (Ignorance Never Dies...
I apologize for the lack of reviews on my part but I was away for a while and having problems with my Blogger account but lucky for you and the bands I review, I’m...