Ever since Last Call released their EP entitled 12:57, I’ve been a huge fan of the band. Last Call released their follow up to 12:57 in 2011, Stay On The Outside. The...
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There are two things that I personally never thought I’d see mentioned in the same sentence, let alone in one band: pop punk and Danny Stillman. The ex-vocalist of post...
Let’s be honest, punk rock is a lot different now than it was in the 90s. Don’t get me wrong, though, there are some great current punk rock bands like The Menzingers...
Charon is a metal/melodic hardcore band from the UK. Charon plays a similar style to Heights’ and Heart In Hand’s styles, in which they are mostly metal/hardcore, but...
Knockout Kid is a five-piece pop punk band from Chicago, IL. They’ve been around for a few years now and have a few releases under their belt. Their second full...