The Merciless Concept is a deathcore band from Long Island, New York, that recently released an EP titled Armageddon. They play a style of deathcore that is similar to...
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Cult of Luna (CoL) is a heavy metal band from Umeå, Sweden. When I say “heavy metal” band, I mean far from ordinary “heavy metal”. The band mixes...
If you’re a fan of emotional melodic hardcore, Departures is probably a band that you’ve heard about. Their debut full-length album, When Losing Everything...
Skagos is a black metal band that is best known for their association with the Cascadian black metal scene (Pacific Northwest region of the U.S. and Canada). Alongside...
Ahh, where do I even begin? Otep has been a band that I, admittedly, have never given the time of day; however, that changed today. I was well aware of the band’s...