The day is upon us: extraterrestrial invasion. The figurative “end of days” which has been so oft addressed by countless science fiction movies, novels and enthusiasts...
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Culture Killer is a new powerviolence/grind band out of Daytona Beach, FL. The band features member of Silence, Playing for Keeps and a few other well-known local bands...
A few months after forming in late 2012, Albany’s Firestarter released its debut EP, New Beginnings. Later in 2013, the four-piece pop punk band released an EP...
I recently had a chance to speak with I Call Fives’ vocalist, Jeff, prior to their Warped Tour set in Charlotte, North Carolina. Here’s what he had to say...
Hundredth, a melodic hardcore band from South Carolina, will release a new EP – which is titled Resist – on March 25. Resist is the companion to Hundredth’s 2013...