Feature: Of Concepts And Kings

Of Concepts and Kings is a five-piece progressive metalcore/djent band from my hometown of London, Ont. In May of 2012, they released their debut EP entitled Sinking In Still Water, which is available on Bandcamp as name your price. In their short career, they’ve played shows with some fairly well-known acts in the scene (Stray from the Path and Dead and Divine to name a few), and since the release of their EP, they have continued to write more music. Of Concepts and Kings recently went into the studio to record a new song titled “Reject”. While the material on the EP was fairly straight-forward progressive metalcore/djent, “Reject” displays a much more mature-sounding style. It’s fairly aggressive with dashes of The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza and Structures thrown into the equation, and it sounds great! You can stream “Reject” below, and if you look a bit further down the page, you’ll also find links to Of Concepts and Kings’ official Facebook and Bandcamp pages!

Links: Facebook – Bandcamp

By Steven Pongrac ~ Me Gusta Reviews