Category - Music

Depths – Revelation (2012)

Day after day, new deathcore bands are popping up like Starbucks in populated cities, by the masses. But what sets apart innovators and repeaters? The shear inertia and...

Seaway – Hoser (2013)

My introduction to Oakville’s Seaway was the music video for “Sabrina the Teenage Bitch” a few summers ago. Initially, I wasn’t sold, but I...

Sworn In – The Death Card (2013)

The sign above the gate reads “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” Staring down the precipice, into a sprawling, fathomless chasm which practically reeks of despair...

Trash Talk – 119 (2012)

Trash Talk is considered to be one of the leaders of the American hardcore genre. The band is known for it’s vicious live performances; it’s grindcore...