Hundredth – Resist EP (2014)


Hundredth, a melodic hardcore band from South Carolina, will release a new EP – which is titled Resist – on March 25. Resist is the companion to Hundredth’s 2013 release, Revolt. On Revolt, fans heard Hundredth’s heavier side while vocalist Chadwick Johnson took out his frustrations over dark, chugging guitar riffs. Resist is the EP for fans that enjoy the more laid-back, melodic version of Hundredth’s music. 

Resist opens with “Wake,” a spacey, 36-second intro into the rest of the EP.  You can definitely hear the change in tone between the two EPs, as even the heavier songs like “Shelter” and “Resist” are easier to digest.

“Demons,” the fourth track on Resist, is my personal favorite. The song opens with Johnson yelling, “No one can save me from my demons / They’re all around me.” If that was an opening line to a novel, I would want to keep reading. “Demons” takes you on an emotional head-trip through Johnson’s life, and the instrumentals build perfectly as the song rides out, ending with “we can set ourselves free by fighting them away…”

Each track transitions perfectly into the next on this release. Resist is a great EP that goes by too quick, but I found myself playing it over and over again because I couldn’t get enough.