Spawn Of Abaddon – Gaia EP (2012)

Well boys and girls, in lieu of all the popular bands whose albums have been released lately, I’m going to stray from that path and review a pretty underground band whose first release I thought deserved a bit of recognition in our community. Hopefully you agree, but if not there’s multiple other reviews that should tickle your fancy.

Spawn Of Abaddon, a five piece death metal band with deathcore aspects hailing from Hampton Virginia has dropped their debut EP entitled Gaia. At first, I didn’t think the release was going to be anything too special and that I may potentially be wasting my time, but I was wrong. The EP only clocks in at fourteen minutes, but in that time Spawn Of Abaddon has been able to create one heavy release, enough for even the most extreme death metal fans.

The EP has everything a death metal fan could want; a devastating range of both high and low vocals, fast technical guitar work, and drum work that just won’t quit. It’s all that you could want, but sadly, nothing more. My only real complaint with the EP is that it really is nothing too unique or interesting. I mean, it sure is heavy and a damn good listen, but it’s just lacking some replay value. I’m willing to cut the boys some slack considering it’s their first release and all, but if they could create something special or bring something new to the death metal table, then they could become the hottest new band to look out for. My favourite track off the release would have to be “Revelations”which features Andrew Baena from Galactic Pegasus, which is also another insanely heavy band that you should definitely check out. From start to finish, though, this short but sweet release has been my pleasure to review because Spawn Of Abaddon definitely has the potential to go far if they improve their game just a little bit more and keep working hard. They’ve only been a band for just over a year now, so if things stay on the same track we can expect pure destruction from these five boys in the future.
Links: Facebook – Bandcamp

By Unknown ~ Me Gusta Reviews