The sign above the gate reads “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” Staring down the precipice, into a sprawling, fathomless chasm which practically reeks of despair...
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There’s nothing worse than not being able to get out the reviews that you’ve been meaning to get out and having them all pile up on you while you’re...
The reign of Behemoth has begun once again – meaning the long await for the brand new Behemoth album, The Satanist, has come to an end. It has been about five years...
Have you been looking for something new since Gideon’s Milestone or Hundredth’s Let Go? I present to you Set Free, a four piece melodic hardcore band...
In the past couple of years, numerous talented bands have come out of Ontario such as Structures, Prophets, The Afterimage and Counterparts. However, hidden among these...