In April 2013, the members of Call it Fiction retired that old moniker and adopted a new one: Dead Leaves. Under this name, the five-piece pop-punk outfit entered the...
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“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me, and be my friend.” – Albert Camus...
In early 2011, Adaliah burst onto the scene with the release of their debut EP entitled Rituals. The six-piece metalcore/hardcore band from Bradenton, Flda., steadily...
This Means War by Attack Attack! is kind of like burnt bacon: it’s both good and bad, but there’s no way you’re not eating it. Fans of Attack Attack! will undoubtedly...
Invent, Animate is a metalcore band from Texas who, as of today, are still unsigned. Their debut EP “Waves” is available now, and impressed the hell out of me. The album...