Our Last Night – Age Of Ignorance (2012)

After releasing a few solid EPs and their impressive debut full length, The Ghosts Among Us, Our Last Night put out one of my favourite post-hardcore albums in We Will All Evolve. I thought every track on that album was great, so I had pretty high expectations for their third release on Epitaph Records which is entitled Age Of Ignorance. Age Of Ignorance is set to release on August 21st and I can already feel the skepticism of fans because Our Last Night sounds a bit more ‘mainstream’ on this release.

Age Of Ignorance is focused a bit more on clean vocals rather than harsh, but this gives Matt Wentworth more of a chance to shine and show off his incredible voice. When the screams are heard, they sound even better than before. Trevor Wentworth has come a long way since joining the band in 2006 as a 13-year old, and that started to show on We Will All Evolve. His technique has improved even more over the course of the past two years leading up to the release of Age Of Ignorance. In addition, Trevor also does clean vocals on a few tracks. His cleans should be fairly easy to pick out because they are a lower pitch than his brother’s.

Our Last Night’s newest release is definitely a step back from We Will All Evolve on the ‘catchiness’ scale because the cleans were a bit overused. On We Will All Evolve, all of the choruses and hooks seemed very catchy because there was more screaming and when the cleans were used, they fit perfectly. The singing on Age Of Ignorance is as good as it has ever been, but there is just a little bit too much of it. Instrumentally, however, Age Of Ignorance is on the same level and maybe even beyond. There are more than enough guitar riffs and leads to raise an eyebrow or two and the drumming is very solid.

It took me a few listens to fully appreciate the slight change in direction made by Our Last Night, but I thoroughly enjoyed Age Of Ignorance. I didn’t like it as much as We Will All Evolve, but it managed to just barely meet my expectations.  Age Of Ignorance ended up being somewhere in the middle of fairly memorable and great. With that being said, there were a few tracks that impressed me greatly. Those tracks were “Fate”, “Reason To Love”, “Liberate Me”, and “Conspiracy”.

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By Steven Pongrac ~ Me Gusta Reviews