Our Imbalance – Our Imbalance EP (2012)

ourimbalance-7228924 Our Imbalance is a five-piece metalcore/post-hardcore band from Liverpool that recently released their self-titled debut EP. On this release, Our Imbalance basically displays the standard “risecore” formula, but there are a few instances where they stray from the path and add a bit of excitement.The EP gets off to a quick start with “Sleepers”. The riffs are kind of bouncy and groovy, but not necessarily in a “djenty” way. This groove is more similar to the recent works of Attack Attack! and Of Mice and Men. Overall, “Sleepers” is a decent track, but it lacks any melody.”Deception” is definitely one of the stronger tracks on the EP with a nice compliment of fast riffing, good guitar leads, and impressive drumming. The cleans utilized on this track are mediocre, but thankfully they only make a brief appearance.”Try To Please” is next up. Like the previous track, “Try To Please” also features mediocre cleans and very similar riffing. The chorus on the third track seems to flow a little bit better than it did on “Deception”, but it could still use some improvement.”Counting The Days” opens up with distant riffing which slowly fades into a slow-paced riff, then a chugging verse. In my opinion, this is the weakest track on the EP. The high point of “Counting The Days” is probably the breakdown near the middle of the track which is overlapped by a decent guitar lead.The fifth track, “False Pride”, is an instrumental and it is actually a nice change of pace. There isn’t much going on in this track, but it’s a very peaceful intermission which builds up to the strongest track on the EP.While I wasn’t overly impressed with the EP as a whole, the final track is incredible. “Obstacles” is, in a way, similar to “Deception” because it really stands out from the rest of the EP. The cleans on “Obstacles” are particularly strong and the chorus is actually my favourite part on the EP. The EP comes to a close with an ambient outro.All-in-all, the EP was a fun listen. If Our Imbalance continues to write more tracks like “Obstacles” and “Deception”, I’m positive that they could grow into something much greater. 3-9758510
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By Steven Pongrac ~ Me Gusta Reviews