Love American – Disquiet (2012)

Love American finally makes their debut with the album Disquiet. Only known for one EP and two splits prior to Disquiet, they’ve been making a name for themselves. Love American is a screamo/hardcore band emerging from Palmdale, California.

From the first five seconds into Disquiet it is obvious that Love American focuses on the instrumental aspects of the music rather than the vocals. Starting off with a serene and tranquil guitar intro, the vocals slip right in nearly undetected. The guitar constantly alternates between heavy melodies, steadfast chugging, and unique riffs as the drummer makes good use of the cymbals and snares to provide the perfect ambiance.

The vocals sounds shockingly similar to another screamo/hardcore band, Harbours, who also happened to release a split alongside Love American. The vocals hold the typical screamo or experimental sound, with nothing really putting them apart from the rest. They do compliment the music nicely and the two make quite a pair.The album starts off pretty slow but picks up the reins about halfway through. If you’re looking for some outstanding tracks, I would suggest “Sink Your Teeth” and “Lives Well Worn”. These two had captured my attention with the intense guitar work and fast pace. While Love American may not make the most interesting music, they do create something worth listening to. >
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By Austin Richburg ~ Me Gusta Reviews