Life On The Sideline – Outpatient EP (2012)

Life On The Sideline is an up and coming pop punk band from Hartford, Connecticut. Formed in March of this year, they have already put out a two song demo entitled Outpatient. Life On The Sideline is hoping to make a name for themselves with this release and they are sure to catch at least a few people’s attention with it. Starting with a strong drum beat, the track titled “Malone Avenue” comes in with the vocals and heart-moving lyrics. The lyrics are your cliche lyrics concerning a girl and relationships, but this is a safe move as most listeners can relate to this topic. Around the mid-point of the song, it loses some intensity and grows weaker but soon picks up again. The gang vocals in this song shouting “I’ll wish you well when this is all said and done” is a tear-jerking part and a great way to end the first song. The last 20 seconds to this song is just complete silence but this was fixed easily with iTunes’ settings. The second song titled “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” begins with a fairly generic opening beat, but it’s one that works. At about half a minute in, some dazzling vocals kick in and liven up the track. The last minute of the track, similar to the previous song, is a catchy chorus with two vocals layered over each other and a beat that gets you tapping your foot in time. The guitar outro to this song sounds as if it was meant to transition into another song and disappoints me that there was not more after.

What I noticed about this band was that the song and song structure sounded alike despite the fact that there were only 2 tracks. The instrumentation on both songs was very bland and didn’t impress me much. Although the music grew stale fast, it still retained a catchy beat. The vocals on Outpatient were very good but with some work they could be even better. Life On The Sideline has put out an average demo that shows what the band can do, but I feel that soon this band will be able to do much more.


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By Austin Richburg ~ Me Gusta Reviews