Left to the Wolves – War Upon the Modern Age (EP) (2013)


I’ve reviewed my fair share of more popular bands in their respective genres including bands like Dr. Acula, Devourment, War From a Harlots Mouth and Rings of Saturn, but sometimes I like to grab a release by a band that I have never previously listened to and shine my reviewer spotlight on them for their own little taste of the fifteen minutes of fame. I’ve always been one to appreciate the underground scene more than the overly saturated popular metal scene, so today’s review was more of the norm when it comes to myself. Today’s review comes to us from a band that I have never previously heard of or listened to, and there’s a good chance neither have you. Let me introduce to you Left to the Wolves (LTTW).

The six-piece death metal/deathcore outfit from Kentucky caught me off guard when I realized they actually have two vocalists instead of the usual one. We’ve seen bands have two vocalists before in such instances as Dr. Acula and Despised Icon, but what differentiates them from Left to the Wolves is that you can tell there’s two. The band has just released their EP titled War Upon the Modern Age, which can be picked up for just under $5 on their Bandcamp page. Knowing how unknown LTTW is, I had expected the EP to have a mediocre sound with mediocre quality – and I wasn’t necessarily wrong in that aspect – but to be fair with them, they’ve managed to make something that has the potential to be seen and heard from a mile away, even though the recording has its rough spots.

The 18-minute, five-track EP starts off immediately. No intro, no filler and no farting around for these guys. The fast-paced anger is in your ears before you even have time to blink, and while some might find that to be a positive, I’m always looking for more of a lead-up or intro to an album; it’s something I’ve come to expect from metal albums. This isn’t necessarily a negative or positive thing – it all depends on the listener. I was expecting this release to either be hit or miss for me, yet I’m left right in the middle on how I feel about this release. It’s definitely not the most unique and interesting death metal/deathcore release to have dropped this year, but it’s definitely not boring by any stretch. The boys in LTTW really know how to create an awesome lead-up to their songs by using rhythmic and catchy riffs put alongside similar drumming. Not just instrumentally, the band incorporates the growing popular “talked” vocals in the middle of a couple of the tracks that, again, can be positive or negative depending on your taste. I’ve found it to be something that, if used in moderation, can create one hell of a lead-up to a breakdown or start of a song. The beginning of the fourth track, “The Scars of Time,” and the ending of the final track, “Crown of Betrayal,” were fantastic in their ability to create a catchy yet calming instrumental intro and outro to each respective track. Definite props to them for adding something you don’t normally see in newer bands. I find that it usually takes a few years and a couple releases before a band can create something memorable in their tracks. In the case of LTTW they’ve managed to do just that on this release. Each track lyrically consisted of things ranging from the trials and tribulations of life, violence and society with other mentions in there, but those being the most notable. Again, nothing remarkable or new to this specific scene, but at least they’re harnessing their sound to be more outstanding compared to the lyrical aspect. Regardless of the quality of the band’s recordings, anyone that listens to LTTW can hear the talent that lies beneath the harsher quality. I’ve seen bands come and go – some with talent and some without – but LTTW has something that I can’t quite grasp. It’s definitely there and waiting to come out in future releases.