I Am The Kid – Tell It To The Frogs EP (2012)

Hailing from Farmville, Virginia, I Am The Kid is a five-piece metalcore band that has been around for about four years. So far, they have released several EPs/demos and one full-length album (Sink Or Swim). Their newest release, a seven-track EP (Tell It To The Frogs) that spans just over 18 minutes, was a nice surprise.

The first three tracks of Tell It To The Frogs are solid, but I Am The Kid really turns it up a notch when the EP reaches its midway point. The fourth track, “Sweeney Toddlers & Tiaras”, absolutely surprised me. The vocals on this track in particular reminded me of a combination of Structures and This Or The Apocalypse and they were so powerful. The next track, “Lady And The Tramp Stamp”, is a slow-paced song in comparison to the rest of the EP but it’s loaded with melody and it’s still heavy. The most noteworthy part of “Lady And The Tramp Stamp” is the outro solo, however, the entire song is impressive which makes it my personal favourite.

“Rock, Paper, Scissor Kick-Ass” is next and it’s incredible for the first minute and a half with its For The Fallen Dreams-esque melodies, strong vocals, and fast-paced drumming. Despite heavy breakdowns and copious chugging in the second half of the song, “Rock, Paper, Scissor Kick-Ass” loses some of its oomph. What I mean by that is it isn’t quite as interesting in the second half as it is in the first. Tell It To The Frogs comes to a close on a high note with the track titled “HIV For Vendetta”. “HIV For Vendetta” starts off like most of the other songs on the EP, but as it nears the one-minute mark, it begins to sound like the lovechild of Stray From The Path and The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza.

Tell It To The Frogs isn’t necessarily an innovative release, but it is fairly original. I Am The Kid managed to blend several genres together to create something fresh and fun to listen to. Without a doubt, this release will get several plays from me and I’m sure it will receive its fair share of praise from ‘core’ fans, too.


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For Fans Of: This Or The Apocalypse, Stray From The Path, Ligeia

By Steven Pongrac ~ Me Gusta Reviews