Somos is a four-piece band from Boston, Mass., who refuses to fit into any mold or trend in the scene. The band’s debut record, Temple of Plenty, is nothing short of...
Category - Indie
Evan Weiss has proved himself once again with Into It. Over It.’s new record titled Intersections. This record consists of 12 wonderful songs, each with their own...
Seahaven fans have been itching for new music from the band for quite a while because the last LP, Winter Forever, came out way back in 2011. A new LP, which is titled...
I have always wanted to come up with a word in the English language that specifically translates to coming across something exactly when you needed it, but for now...
You Blew It! is an emo/indie band from Florida – one that first made an impression on me when I heard their debut album, Grow Up, Dude. Since then, they have released a...