Between The Buried And Me – The Parallax II… (2012)

Five musicians, twelve songs, and one concept album that will make your head explode. Between the Buried and Me are back with The Parallax II: Future Sequence, and it does not disappoint. Whether you are a veteran fan or an enthusiast of progressive music in general, The Parallax II is a non-stop train of fantastic music.

The opening track picks up right where The Parallax: Hyper-Sleep Dialogues finished and puts you right back into the conceptual universe that BTBAM has created. The acoustic eeriness of the track sets the mood for a roller coaster of musicality and some of the most complex riffs and licks from the tracks soon to come by guitarists Paul Waggoner and Dustie Waring.

Vocalist Tommy Giles Roger Jr. has truly stepped up his chops for this album. His bone crushing lows and utter power can be heard in “Lay Your Ghost To Rest” which, without a doubt, is my favorite track on the album. It is a ten minute festival of genre changes and true style from each individual member.

The thing that caught my ear the most in this album is the attention to fine details. In the track “Extremophile Elite”, references to BTBAM’s first album, Alaska, with the inverted melody in the opening keyboard and references to The Parallax I: Hyper-Sleep Dialogues at the end of the track absolutely are without a doubt the cherry on the detail cake.

My only down side to this album is that the songs tend to be a bit on the lengthy side and can drag if not fully paying attention, but what else would you expect to come from BTBAM? They only write the best of epic tales through richly textured melodies and symphony-like compositions.

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By Chano Islas ~ Me Gusta Reviews