Interview: Oceano (10/22/12)


Last night, Alex and myself caught up with two members of Oceano, Adam (vocalist) and Jason (bassist), before their show at The Annex Wreckroom in Toronto, Ontario. We took a few minutes to ask them some questions about their “break up”, their return, and their forthcoming album. This is what went down!

Alex: Several months ago, you guys released a statement saying that you were breaking up and you stopped touring. When you first announced that you were breaking up, you obviously got quite a bit of feedback and criticism. How did you feel about that?

Adam: It was kind of cool. It was humbling to know that people cared for our band and wanted us to keep touring and writing and stuff.

Alex: You came back after a few months, though. What made you want to come back?

Adam: We missed it. We had a lot of time at home to settle in and think about things and then we decided to come back.

Alex: How was the break? Did you guys enjoy the time you had off?

Jason: Yeah, I did. I worked a lot and progressed in my job.

Alex: What was it that you missed the most about touring?

Jason: There’s like ten million things that you love about touring so it’s hard to just pick one thing… I guess because we’re able to do this. *points at the line of people waiting to get in*

Steven: So when you announced that you were coming back, you also said that you would be releasing an album in the early months of 2013. Is that still in the works, and if so, how has the writing process been going?

Jason: It’s been pretty decent. We’ve just been jamming some things out right now. Adam: It’s a little hard to get a big chunk of work done now because we’ve basically been trying to get our face back into the scene, so to speak, and there’s been a lot of touring. After this next tour, we’re going to take some time to write and then right after that, we’re going to start recording.

Steven: Sounds good! When you’ve been doing the little bit of jamming and writing, have you been experimenting with things and going in a different direction or do you just want to refine your sound?

Jason: Well, we’re really just kind of writing whatever comes out. Adam: It’s going to progress, because everyone’s progressing, but we’re not trying to sound like any other band or one way in particular intentionally.

Alex: Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions for us! We really appreciate it!

Adam: Thank you!

By Steven Pongrac ~ Me Gusta Reviews