Conquering Rome – Dead Skin EP (2012)

Hailing from Hampton Roads, Virginia, Conquering Rome is a five-piece pop-punk band but what they bring to the table is more than just that. Some tracks on their EP, Dead Skin, are very pop-punky while others are much heavier and offer the listener a bit of a post-hardcore edge.

The EP starts off on a high note with “Ian Never Gets It Right”. This track proved me wrong in thinking that this was just going to be another typical pop punk band. The chorus is very catchy and the heavier parts are incredible. They have the perfect amount of melody. Despite being a great track, “Ian Never Gets It Right” is not the strongest on Dead Skin. The strongest track is definitely “Josh Gold”. “Josh Gold” features incredible vocals, really good guitar leads that are reminiscent of Title Fight, and a good breakdown that doesn’t manage to ruin the flow of the song whatsoever.

There are a few things that I noticed on Dead Skin that could use improvement, though. First, I think Conquering Rome needs to take just a bit more time on making sure all of the songs flow. I do enjoy the transitions for the most part, but there are a few instances (“Forgetting Sarah Marshall” and “There’s Something About Marey”) where they go from happy pop punk to intense screaming (or vice-versa) and it just seems like an odd way to do so. There is no build up or anything. Also, I think they would do well to add even more guitar leads. From what I heard on Dead Skin, the guitarists are obviously skilled and seem to have a knack for writing tasty guitar leads.

Conquering Rome is doing something a little different here, and for that, I have to give them major props. While most of the songs on Dead Skin have sub-par moments, the majority of the EP is very good. If you’re looking for a heavier pop punk band to jam in your car or home, Conquering Rome may be the choice for you.

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By Steven Pongrac ~ Me Gusta Reviews